“The flash drive accidentally caught a virus, when I tried up loading it to website it crashed taking everything with it! So I used Skippers instead and it caught the virus as well!…” Barbie expresses to the boys. “Hm…Me and Brian can fix it for you Barbie.” says Steven to Barbie rather annoyed, “Yeah we can take it from here lady.” Brain backed Steven up. “First of my name is Barbie, and second thank you but I can help as well. So I will fix my laptop and the both of you fix Skippers. Please.” Barbie stood her ground tired of being brought down by the boys, the boys stared at her with a shocked look both stating things along the lines of “Yes Barbie-“. And just like that the boys and Barbie got rid of the virus.

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      “The flash drive accidentally caught a virus, when I tried up loading it to website it crashed taking everything with it! So I used Skippers instead and it caught the virus as well!…” Barbie expresses to the boys. “Hm…Me and Brian can fix it for you Barbie.” says Steven to Barbie rather annoyed, “Yeah we can take it from here lady.” Brain backed Steven up. “First of my name is Barbie, and second thank you but I can help as well. So I will fix my laptop and the both of you fix Skippers. Please.” Barbie stood her ground tired of being brought down by the boys, the boys stared at her with a shocked look both stating things along the lines of “Yes Barbie-“. And just like that the boys and Barbie got rid of the virus.