"Well done Barbie, do you need help with anything?" Steven asked putting up his hand to high five her.
"No I'm fine, this is pretty amateur work," Barbie answered.
 "Are you sure? I mean I could just do it for you if you want?" Steven offered.
 "Steven, I said, I'm fine! F-I-N-E, FINE!"
 Barbie then went back to her work to recover the assignment.

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      "Well done Barbie, do you need help with anything?" Steven asked putting up his hand to high five her.
"No I'm fine, this is pretty amateur work," Barbie answered.
 "Are you sure? I mean I could just do it for you if you want?" Steven offered.
 "Steven, I said, I'm fine! F-I-N-E, FINE!"
 Barbie then went back to her work to recover the assignment.