"This darn code!" exclaimed Barbie.
"What's wrong, sis?" asked Skipper as she whipped up her morning smoothie.
"I'm reviewing code that Brian sent in, and while I can see where he's going, it's just not executed properly!" Barbie sighed. "There's bugs everywhere. It's not too big of a worry, but it might push back our deliverable for this week."
"I'm sure you can fix it, Barbie! You're a real whiz! You can do anything!!" exclaimed the younger sister.

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      "This darn code!" exclaimed Barbie.
"What's wrong, sis?" asked Skipper as she whipped up her morning smoothie.
"I'm reviewing code that Brian sent in, and while I can see where he's going, it's just not executed properly!" Barbie sighed. "There's bugs everywhere. It's not too big of a worry, but it might push back our deliverable for this week."
"I'm sure you can fix it, Barbie! You're a real whiz! You can do anything!!" exclaimed the younger sister.