At computer class, Barbie presents the game she designed. Ms. Smith ('Ms.' because she divorced her Ken baby) is so impressed that she gives Barbie extra credit! "Go Barbie!" says Ms. Smith. "Your project was the best in the class! Brian and Stevens' projects seriously sucked." Barbie's terrific computer skills have saved the day for all her fellow sisters! "I'm gonna be a computer engineer!" says Barbie happily.

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      At computer class, Barbie presents the game she designed. Ms. Smith ('Ms.' because she divorced her Ken baby) is so impressed that she gives Barbie extra credit! "Go Barbie!" says Ms. Smith. "Your project was the best in the class! Brian and Stevens' projects seriously sucked." Barbie's terrific computer skills have saved the day for all her fellow sisters! "I'm gonna be a computer engineer!" says Barbie happily.