Barbie walks into Skipper's room, seeing her sister distraught while anxiously clutching her computer  "What's wrong, Skip?" Barbie asked. "Barbie, you WON'T believe this," Skipper sobbed. "Some guy on Twitter with a Rick and Morty avatar and the handle @SJWDestroyer just doxxed me and is sending a Molotov cocktail to my home because he doesn't believe that girls like metal music and retro gaming!" Barbie helped Skipper calm down. "Someone on Twitter threatened to behead me with a sword because I took a selfie of myself eating Taco Bell while wearing a Radiohead shirt. These guys are extremely insecure about themselves, so they take out their anger on people they hate. But in reality, they aren't as powerful as they seem to be. I'll report the harassment tweets and the bomb threat to the FBI just like I did with that sword dork!" "Thank you, Barbie!" Skipper cried. "I'll show those chuds that I can like dope geeky things too!"

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      Barbie walks into Skipper's room, seeing her sister distraught while anxiously clutching her computer  "What's wrong, Skip?" Barbie asked. "Barbie, you WON'T believe this," Skipper sobbed. "Some guy on Twitter with a Rick and Morty avatar and the handle @SJWDestroyer just doxxed me and is sending a Molotov cocktail to my home because he doesn't believe that girls like metal music and retro gaming!" Barbie helped Skipper calm down. "Someone on Twitter threatened to behead me with a sword because I took a selfie of myself eating Taco Bell while wearing a Radiohead shirt. These guys are extremely insecure about themselves, so they take out their anger on people they hate. But in reality, they aren't as powerful as they seem to be. I'll report the harassment tweets and the bomb threat to the FBI just like I did with that sword dork!" "Thank you, Barbie!" Skipper cried. "I'll show those chuds that I can like dope geeky things too!"